- Sprache und Metaphysik. Meister Eckharts Prädikationstheorie und ihre Auswirkung auf sein Denken (Bochumer Studien zur Philosophie 52), Amsterdam/Philadelphia 2011
- Maka Lashkhia , Eros as Philosophical cognition beginning and way Towards Justice, Tbilisi , 2012, online edition
- Tamar Tskhadadze, ” Women of wartime and war Then “, Tbilisi, Heinrich of Biol fund Tbilisi Bureau, 2020
- Th. Gutmann/T. Tsopurashvili (eds.), Menschenrechte und Menschenwürde im kulturelle Kontext, Deutsch-Georgisches Jahrbücher Bd. 1 ( human rights and Dignity cultural In context, German – Georgian Yearbooks, volume 1), Mentis Verlag 2020
- Tamar Tsopurashvili , Neoplatonism: Doctrine and his Reception, Tbilisi 2020, Ilias State University,
- ” Consciousness Philosophy “- Compiler Tamar Tskhadadze _ Scientific editor Larry Mchedlishvili .
- “Bible postmodern from the perspective of “. Compiler and main editor Tamar Tsopurashvili
- Walk of Tsereteli of Philosophy Institute Soviet period archival Materials. 1946-1991, anniversary Edition , compiler Mayor Tsutskiridze , scientific editor Tamar Tsopurashvili, part I and II, Ilia State University Publishing House , 2017
- Religion and Freedom /Religion und Freiheit, conference Materials /Konferenzbeiträge, editor Tamar Tsopurashvili . Ilia State University Publishing House , 2017
- Philosophy and Logic. M. _ Bezhanishvili and L. _ Mchedlishvili for memory dedicated to Scientific conference Materials. editor Tamar Tskhadadze _ Tbilisi : Ilia State University , 2017
Issued books and Editions (editor and / or editor)
- Tamar Tsopurashvili ( following ), Bible postmodern From the perspective of Ilia State University Publishing House , 2013
- Tamar Tsopurashvili ( edit .)/Tamar Tsopurashvili (Hrsg.), religion and Freedom /Religion und Freiheit, conference Materials /Konferenzbeiträge, Ilia State University Publishing House , 2017
- Walk of Tsereteli of Philosophy Institute Soviet period archival Materials . 1946-1991. Anniversary Edition , compiler Mayor Tsutskiridze , scientific editor Tamar Tsopurashvili , part I and Part II, Ilia State University Publishing House 2017
- Philosophy and Logic . M. _ Bezhanishvili and L. _ Mchedlishvili for memory dedicated to Scientific conference Materials . editor Tamar Tskhadadze _ Tbilisi : Ilia State University , 2017
- Social of sciences electronic Dictionary, social of sciences Center, Tbilisi, 2016 – Gender component (300 terms). Scientific editor Tamar Tskhadadze
- Daniel Little , social will explain Diversity : an introduction social of science In philosophy , translation Lily Khechuashvili , scientific editor Tamar Tskhadadze , TSU Publishing House , Tbilisi , 2013
- Of consciousness Philosophy. Chrestomathy. Compiler and translator T. _ Tskhadadze _ Tbilisi : Ilia State University , 2013
- Daniel Lytle. Social will explain Diversity: an introduction social of sciences in philosophy. translator L. _ Khechiashvili , scientific editor T. _ Tskhadadze _ Tbilisi : Social of sciences Center , Tbilisi State University , 2013
- Cognition and Morality. Philosophical Letters. Editors T. _ Iremadze, T. _ Tskhadadze, G. _ Kheshvili. Tbilisi , 2012
- Of necessity Aspects: a priori, sameness, opposition. Editors : L. _ Mchedlishvili and T. _ Tskhadadze _ Tbilisi , 2009
- Philosophy, theology, culture: problems and perspectives. Editors: T. _ Iremadze, T. _ Tskhadadze, G. _ Kheshvili . Tbilisi , 2007
Zurab Chiaberashvili
- Editor (with Irakli Mchedlishvili), Georgia in Transition: the Role of Civic Education (Conference Proceedings, in English), CPIRS, Tbilisi, 2000
- Editor (with Rick Swanson), Black Sea Region: Priorities and Perspectives for the 21st Century (Conference Materials, in English), CPIRS, Tbilisi, 1999
Giorgi Kheoshvili
- Russian religious of philosophy problems / s. of Tsereteli named after of philosophy Institute, “Universal “, and 2006.
- Vasili Rozanov , Tbilisi , ” Necker “, 2013, 156 p
Tamar Tsopurashvili
- Tamar Tsopurashvili , substantive of the reason theory and from him based on ontological Models : Analogy and of univocation Doctrines , T. _ Tsopurashvili ( Ed .), ” Neoplatonism : Doctrine and his Reception “, Tbilisi 2020, Ilia State University
- Tamar Tsopurashvili , Wie lässt sich das Seiende durch die Sprache beschreiben? Eine Reflexion über Dietrich von Freibergs Sprachtheorie ( how is described former in the language reflection Dietrich of Freibergel language on theory ), Société Internationale pour l’Étude de la Philosophie Médiévale — Rencontres de Philosophie Médiévale, 22, Homo – Natura – Mundus : Human Beings and Their Relationships, Proceedings of the XIV International Congress of the Société Internationale pour l’Étude de la Philosophie Médiévale, Edited by Roberto Hofmeister Pich, Alfredo Carlos Storck, and Alfredo Santiago Culleton, 2020, Brepols Publishers nv, Turnhout, Belgium
- Tamar Tsopurashvili , Intersubjective Recognition as a Basis for Human Rights: Fichtean Project and its Consequences recognition as human’s rights Base : Fichteseuli project and his Results ), Th. Gutmann-T. Tsopurashvili (eds.), Menschenrechte und Menschenwürde im kulturelle Kontext, Deutsch-Georgisches Jahrbücher Bd. 1, Mentis Verlag 2020
- Hannah Arendt , Introduction , in Handbook : Introduction Modern In Thought , Book II, Ilia State University Publishing House , Tbilisi , 2018, p . 341-352.
- theology and Logic : verbum- theory and modi significant about the doctrine of scholasticism In the era , in the collection : T. Tskhadadze ( editor ), philosophy and logic . L. _ of Mchedlishvili and M. _ of Bezhanishvili in memory of dedicated to Scientific Conference Materials , Ilia State University Publishing House , 2017, p . 45-72
- Of intersubjectivity and recognition concepts Fichte, according to Adjara of culture and of science Ministry by the financed public of lectures collection.
- Reformation Historical , cultural and Philosophical Aspects /Die historischen, kulturelle und philoosphischen Aspekte der Reformation, in the collection : Tamar Tsopurashvili ( editor )/Tamar Tsopurashvili (Hrsg.), religion and Freedom /Religion und Freiheit, conference Materials /Konferenzbeiträge, 2017 Ilia State University Publishing house , p . 14-26/S. 27-37
- Text- und Diskursanalyse im christlichen Kontext des Mittelalters, in: Theorie und Praxis des Text- und Diskursanalyse, Germanistische Studien N 12 (Tbilisi 2017), S. 170-179
- Causa-essential-Theorie als die Grundlage der Sprachphilosophie? Sprachmodelle des Dietrichs von Freiberg und Meister Eckharts, in : Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch für Antike und Mittelalter, ed. B. Mojsisch, vol. 18 (2015), p . 108-129.
- From Quaestio Parisiensis I to German Sermons: is it possible to speak about Meister Eckhart’s homogeneous theology ?, in: B. Petey-Girard/M.-E. Plagnol-Diéval (eds.), Première œuvre, dernière œuvre: écarts d’une écriture, Classiques Garnier, Théorie littéraire, n° 2, Paris 2014, p . 233-243
- The Theory of Transcendentals in Meister Eckhart, in J. Hackett (ed.), A Companion to Meister Eckhart, [series: Brill’s Companions to the Christian Tradition, vol. 36], Brill 2013, p . 185-203
- ” A woman In Christianity – Eve If Mariam ?”, in the collection : Vis is afraid of feminism In Georgia ?, Heinrich of Biol fund South of the Caucasus Regina Bureau 2013, p . 101-114.
- of the Bible reading Tradition , in the collection : Bible postmodern From the perspective of the compiler T. _ Tsopurashvili , 2013, Tbilisi , p . 5-10
- Negatio negation is in Meister Eckharts Metaphysik, in A. Musco (ed.), Universalità della Ragione. XII Congresso Internazionale die Filosofia Medievale de la Société Internationale pour l’Étude de la Philosophie Mediévale (SIEPM), Palermo, 17-22 September 2007, Vol. II.1, Palermo. July 2012, pp. 595-602.
- how let’s talk about god Meister of Eckhart of metaphysics some For the leader , in the collection : T. Iremadze / T. _ Tskhadadze / G. _ Kheoshvili ( editor ), Cognition and Morality . Philosophical Essays , Tbilisi , 2012, p . 24-45.
- Die Idee der Freiheit bei FWJ Schelling, in: B. Mojsisch/M. Beriashvili (eds.), Die Idee der Freiheit in Philosophie und Sozialtheorie, Saarbrücken 2010, pp. 143-154.
- Voltaire, in : Philosophenlexikon, ed. S. Jordan/B. Mojsisch, Reclam, Stuttgart 2009, gv. 566-568.
- Albert Camus, in : Philosophenlexikon, ed. S. Jordan/B. Mojsisch, Reclam, Stuttgart 2009, gv. 114-116.
- Rezension: John P. Doyle: A Treatise of Master Hervaeus Natalis (D. 1323) the Doctor Perspicacissimus on Second Intentions (Medieval Philosophical Texts in Translation No. 44), in: Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch für Antike und Mittelalter, ed. B. Mojsisch, vol. 13, 2008 Amsterdam, gv. 250-251.
- Rezension: Rodrigo Guerizoli. Die Verinnerlichung des Göttlichen. Eine Studie über den Gottesgeburtszyklus und die Armutspredigt Meister Eckharts, in: Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch für Antike und Mittelalter, ed. B. Mojsisch, vol. 12, 2007 Amsterdam, gv. 224-230.
- Konferenzbericht: Meister Eckhart und Augustinus. Dritte Jahrestagung der Meister-Eckhart-Gesellschaft (Universität Würzburg, 23.-25. März 2007), in: Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch für Antike und Mittelalter, ed. B. Mojsisch, vol. 12, 2007 Amsterdam, gv. 209-217.
- Review: Andrés Quero-Sánchez. Sein als Freiheit. Die idealistische Metaphysik Meister Eckharts und Johann Gottlieb Fichtes, in: Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch für Antike und Mittelalter, ed. B. Mojsisch, vol. 11, 2006 Amsterdam, gv. 232-240.
- Konferenzbericht: “Meister Eckharts Straßburger Jahrzehnung”. Jahrestagung der Meister Eckhart Gesellschaft (Centre Culturel Saint-Thomas, Strasbourg, 30. März-2. April 2006), in: Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch für Antike und Mittelalter, ed. B. Mojsisch, vol. 11, 2006 Amsterdam, gv. 252-262.
Tamar Tskhadadze
- Tamar Tskhadadze , Accommodating Encumbered Selves: An Argument from Reflective Equilibrium self : argument thoughtful for balance ), Th. Gutmann-T. Tsopurashvili (eds.), Menschenrechte und Menschenwürde im kulturelle Kontext, Deutsch-Georgisches Jahrbücher Bd. 1, Mentis Verlag 2020
- “The West” and Georgian “Difference”: Discursive Politics of Gender and Sexuality in Georgia. In Gender in Georgia, Feminist Perspectives on Culture, Nation, and History in the South Caucasus. Edited by Maia Barkaia and Alisse Waterston. New York-Oxford, Berghahn Books, 2018, pp. 47-60
- Justice as _ Equality : Nancy Fraser ‘s Feminism ” Adventure ” Georgian of translation Preface . N. _ Fraser , Feminism adventure . Tbilisi : Heinrich of biol fund South of the Caucasus regional Bureau , 2017, p . 9-19
- Constitution and Social Justice : the social of the state declared principle in search of Georgia. The constitution is 20 years old. Then , the editors : V. Natsvlishvili and D. Zedelashvili . Tbilisi , Foundation ” Open Society – Georgia “, 2016, p . 205-226
- Mayor Wollstonecraft and His ” Women’s rights Protection “, Introduction Modern In thinking , part I, Tbilisi , Ilias State University Publishing House , 2014, p . 267-276
- John Stewart Pipe and of his freedom About “, introduction Modern In thinking , part II, Tbilisi , Ilias State University Publishing House , 2014, p . 7-12
- Of facts and values dichotomy and values role of knowledge will create in the process, humanitarian Sciences informative in society – II. Conference Materials, Batumi, BSU Publishing House, 2014, p. 48-51
- Saul It is called Kripken and Necessity “. Of the translator Foreword, s. A. _ Kripke is called and Necessity, Ilyas State University Publishing House, 2014, p . 247
- the twentieth-century debate of consciousness and body on the relationship . of consciousness Philosophy . Chrestomathy . Compiler T. _ Tskhadadze _ Tbilisi : Ilias State University , 2013. p . 1-22
- of Wittgenstein‘s personal language of the argument Interpretations . Cognition and Morality. Philosophical Letters , editors : T. _ Iremadze , T. _ Tskhadadze , G. _ Kheshvili . Tbilisi: Necker , 2012. p . 84-100
- Modal of knowledge a priori the issue of necessity Aspects: a priori, sameness, opposition. Editors: L. _ Mchedlishvili and T. _ Tskhadadze _ Tbilisi: S. _ of Tsereteli named after of philosophy Institute, 2009. p. 65-110
- Of logic coherentist foundation . Messenger of the Philosopher Series, N1, 2007. p. 114-125
- Intersubjectivity as _ objective of the world of knowledge basis Husserl Cartesian in opinions . TSU Humanitarian Faculty I scientific conference Materials. Tbilisi : TSU , 2007. p . 19-21
- Analytical : a priori and necessary between _ Philosophy , theology , culture : problems and perspectives . Editors : T. _ Iremadze , T. _ Tskhadadze , G. _ Kheshvili . Tbilisi : Necker / Channel , 2007. p . 366-393
- Justification of logical rules of deduction in the concept of «reflective equilibrium» Н. Goodman. Materials of the IX General Russian Scientific Conference. Sankt-Peterburg, izdatelstvo Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta, 2006; с.с. 103-106
- sensual of empiricism Criticism Wilfrid Sellars by _ Philosophical Searches , collection X. Tbilisi , 2006. p . 64-80
- Considerable ” justification ” Equilibrium ” concept . Herald of Philosophy Series N2, 2005. p . 68-79
- scientific rationality and of realism Popperian Concepts . Herald of Philosophy Series N1-2, 2003. p . 176-192
- disproportion thesis of science rationality about in discussions . Herald of Philosophy Series N1-2, 2001. p . 88-100
- disproportion thesis place of science rationality Kunisul in the model . TSU of philosophy and of sociology of the faculty and drinking of philosophy Institute II United Scientific Conference Materials . Tbilisi , 2001. p . 77-80
- of experience understanding Karl Popper’s epistemology . Philosophical Searches , collection IV. Tbilisi , 2000. p . 282-301
Ketevan Gurchiani
- How Soviet is Religious Revival in Georgia: Tactics in Everyday Religiosity (forthcoming in 2016 in Europe-Asia Studies), 2017
- Georgia In-Between: Religion in Public Schools (accepted for publication in Nationalities Papers), 2017
- The Reception of the Ancient Greek Drama on the Georgian Stage: 20th century (Chapter in the Handbook to Classical Reception in Eastern & Central Europe, Blackwell-Wiley), 2017
- Georgia and its Ties to Antiquity. Introduction (Chapter in the Handbook to Classical Reception in Eastern & Central Europe, Blackwell-Wiley), 2017
- Plagiarism and Attitudes towards it in Georgia. Co-authored with Bregvadze, Ghlonti, Lortkipanidze, Urushadze . Open Society Foundation Georgia, Tbilisi, 2016
- of plagiarism problem and his perception in Georgia Tbilisi : Foundation ” Open Society – Georgia “.
- Magical Realism in Post-Soviet Georgia: Fortune-Telling, the Church, and Political Life (under review), 2015
- Odysseus Journey to Mingrelia: On Translating Heroism. in: Kadmos, an international peer-reviewed journal in humanities, 2013
- On R. Girard’s Violence and the Sacred. in Theories of Modernity, edited by Giga Zedania. lia State University, Tbilisi, 2011
- Sophocles on the Georgian Stage. in First International Conference. Theatre and Theater Studies in the 21st Century, Anna Tabaki & Walter Puchner (eds.), Ergo, Athens, 2010
- evangeliur-luTeruli eklesia sakartveloshi (Evangelical – Lutheran Church in Georgia), in religiebi sakartveloshi Religions in Georgia, edited by Zurab Kiknadze. public defender library . Tbilisi , 2008
- Polyphem und Devi: Geschichten von cannibalistischen Giants in altgreichischer und kaukasischer Tradition. in : Stefanos, Tribute volume to Walter Puchner, edited by I. Vivilakis, W. Puchner. Ergo Editions, Athens, 2007
- Georgische Versionen der Polyphemgeschichte, in Phasis : Greek and Roman Studies / Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Institute of Classical, Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies; Editor-in-Chief: Rismag Gordeziani. – Tbilisi: Logos, 1999-.Vol. 10, 2007
- History of Ancient Literature. Chapters on Sophocles, Quintilian and Boethius, edited by R. Gordeziani and N. Tonia. Tbilisi: Institute of Classical, Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies, 2005
- About Silent Prayer. in Logos: Celicdeuli. Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Institute of Classical, Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies; Editor-in-Chief: Rismag Gordeziani Vol. 2. Tbilisi, 2004
- names and epithets old in Greek In prayer (in Georgian. Names and Epithets in Greek Prayer), in Logosi: Celicdeuli. Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Institute of Classical, Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies; Editor-in-Chief: Rismag Gordeziani Vol. 1. Tbilisi, 2003
- Das Rituelle in den Troerinnen von Euripides, in: Phasis : Greek and Roman Studies / Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Institute of Classical, Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies; Editor-in-Chief: Rismag Gordeziani. – Tbilisi: Logos, 1999-.Vol.2-3, Tbilisi, 2000
- Dionysus and Maenads (Dionysos and Maenads) in ANAOEEIE” edited by Rismag Gordeziani / Institute of Classical, Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies; Tbilisi: Logos, 1999
- Saykio representations of Dionysus in the cult BC _ year _ V-IV centuries archaeological material In the background (Afterlife in the cult of Dionysus in the V-IV BC and the archaeological material). In: mikenidan seferisamde. Tbilisi State University Institute of Classical, Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies: Logos. Tbilisi, 1998
- Euripides Bacchi of women ritualistic Interpretation (The Ritual Interpretation of the Bacchae of Euripides) in Akhalgazrda mecnierta thrombi. Tbilisi State University Press. Tbilisi, 1997
- The Bacchae of Euripides and Mysteries of Dionysus. in Materials of the international symposium “The Ancient Greek Literature and the Present”. Tbilisi State University Press. Tbilisi, 1996
Zurab Chiaberashvili
- Zurab Chiaberashvili , health – right If individual Responsibility ?, economic of politics research Center (EPRC) documents series on health care , economic of politics research Center (EPRC), Tbilisi
- Zurab Chiaberashvili , stability problem With Rolls : ” of justice From theory to political Before liberalism “, Savle of Tsereteli of philosophy Institute thematic Collection , Ilias State University
- Zurab Chiaberashvili , “Ajara: A Case in Conflict Avoidance ” avoidance case ), The Post-Soviet Conflicts: Thirty Years’ Crisis, Edited by Ali Askerov, Stefan Brooks, and Lasha Tchantouridzé, Lexington Books 2020, ISBN: 978-1-4985-9654-1
- Zurab Chiaberashvili , Rawls’ Notion of Self-respect and its Relevance for a Constitutional Democratic Regime Rolls concept and his relevance constitutional of democracy for mode ), Th. Gutmann-T. Tsopurashvili (eds.), Menschenrechte und Menschenwürde im kulturelle Kontext, Deutsch-Georgisches Jahrbücher Bd. 1, Mentis Verlag 2020
- Chiaberashvili, Zurab and Gigi Tevzadze, “Power Elites in Georgia: Old and New”, From Revolution to Reform: Georgia’s Struggle with Democratic Institution Building and Security Sector Reform, Editors: Philipp H. Fluri and Eden Cole, Vienna-Geneva, 2005
- Flanz, Gisbert H. and Zurab Tchiaberashvili, “Comparative Notes on the Constitution of Georgia and its Amendments”, Constitutions of the Countries of the World, Ed. Gisbert H. Flanz, Oceana Publications, Release 2002-3
- “Stability Instead of Democracy”, Central Asia and The Caucasus (Journal of Social and Political Studies), Information and Analytical Center, Sweden, N4, 2000
- “Logic of Action of K. Segerberg and three-value logics”, Proceedings of International Conference “Petersburg Readings”, Saint Petersburg University Press, 2000 (in Russian)
- ” Change and action of logic basic concepts c . H. _ background I’m sorry according to “, of Georgia of sciences Academy ” Matsne “, philosophy Series 1-2, ” Science “, 1999
- “Elementary types of actions in semantics Logics Actions Г.Х. Von Wrigta”, Smyrnov readings, Moscow 1997
- “8 of reasoning about Walk of Tsereteli dialectical In logic “, Savle of Tsereteli For the 90th birthday dedicated to Anniversary Collection , editors : T. _ Buachidze and M. _ Makharadze , ” Science “, 1997
Maka Lashkhia
- Absurd drama Aesthetics — in the collection: Sokhumi Acad. I. of Sequa house _ “Works “of the Institute, Vole. IV, 1999. GV. 112-116
- Speech, letter, existence – new Paradigms, No. 2, 1999, p. 228-231
- virtues meaning and of justice principle of Plato In doctrine – M. Beriashvili Together , Christian Democracy , No. 4, 2002, p . 51-74
- someone else’s of existence Aspects – philosophical Search , Vol . VI, Tbilisi , 2002, p . 50-61
- Bernhard Waldenfels and his Philosophy – Christian Democracy , No. 1, 2003, p . 79-102
- of Eros of nature definition of Plato In philosophy , semiotics , Tbilisi , 9/2011. p . 105-122.
- human’s Rights , genesis , value and present ( of the conference Review ), Kadmos , Ilias State University Publishing House , 3/2011. p . 492-501
- Aristotle , Mamuka Beriashvili Together , in the collection : Freedom of philosophy Classics . from Plato of Heidegger Including , ( editors : M. Beriashvili , U. R. Yeki , B. Moizishi ) , publishing house ” Meridian ” , Tbilisi , 2011. p . 41-60
- imagination from consciousness of freedom Before Consciousness , ” Semiotics ” magazine , N12, Tbilisi , 2012
- human Existence is a choice and Responsibility , relative to literature Collection 1, Ilias State University Publishing House , 2013, p . 409-417
- From the consciousness of the imagination to the consciousness of freedom (Jean-Paul Sartre, Imagination-1936; Situation X, 1976), dans: Classiques Garnier, “Première œuvre”, 2013, Paris, p. 225-232
- of love Theory : someone else’s love and of God Love , relative of literature Collection 2, Ilias State University Publishing House , 2013
- Review – freedom of philosophy the classics from Plato of Heidegger Including Kadmos , Ilias _ State University Publishing House , 2014. p . 313-331
- Socrates – antiquity Educator , Mamuka Beriashvili Together , editors : Mamuka Beriashvili , Yohanes Weiss , in the collection : religiosity and of religion Freedom , Tbilisi, ” Meridian ” publishing house , 2014. p . 27-43
- of Plato research In Georgia , Kadmos , Ilias State University Publishing House , 2015
- John Dewey , Introduction Modern In thinking , Ilyas State University , 2015, Tbilisi
- aesthetic culture from surrealism Before hyperrealism , ” humanitarian Sciences informative In Society – II”, collection , Batumi , 2014
- I and Other : Ethical maxims existence our between , intercultural Dialogues , III, works , Telavi , 2015, p . 323-328
- Justice as _ higher goodness and of the state existence condition with Plato , in the collection : T. Tskhadadze / D. _ Gabelaia ( editor ), logic and Philosophy , Tbilisi , 2015
- Ästhetische Kultur – vom Surrealismus bis zum Hyperrealismus, in: Symposionsbeiträge, Wien, 2016, P. 139-144
- Plato’s Language of Dialogue as Topos of Human Existence, Fondements Historique et Anchorages Culturels des Langues. Human Sciences Monograph Series 20. Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. 2017 p. 221-234
- Mecca Lashkhia , for the definition of the ” Trfials ” from Petritsi , T. Tsopurashvili ( Ed .), ” Neoplatonism : Doctrine and his Reception “, Tbilisi 2020, Ilias State University , ISBN 978-9941-18-348-5
Nino Rodonaia
- Nino Rodonaya , On the Formation of the Concept of Human Dignity in Georgia from the Late 19th Century until Today of Dignity concept Formation 19th in Georgia century from the end to date ), Th. Gutmann-T. Tsopurashvili (eds.), Menschenrechte und Menschenwürde im kulturelle Kontext, Deutsch-Georgisches Jahrbücher Bd. 1, Mentis Verlag 2020
- of dignity concept in bioethics and his Philosophical Basics , philosophy and logic . M. _ Bezhanishvili and L. _ Mchedlishvili in memory of dedicated to Scientific Conference Materials , Tbilisi , Ilias State University Publishing House , 2017, 143-159
- Journal of Media Ethics and Human Dignity Semiotics XVII, 2017, 155-160 ( in English )
- language of what and of importance about Hegel’s in philosophy and his transformations Soviet In reality , Fondements historiques et ancrages culturels des langues, Série monographique en sciences humaines 20, sous la direction de Ali Reguigui, Julie Boissonneault et Mzago Dokhtourichvili, Human Sciences Monograph Series 20, Sudbery, Ontario, Canada, 2017, 267-282
- Meaning and Importance of Language in Hegel’s Philosophy and its Transformations in the Soviet Times”, in: Fondements historiques et ancrages culturels des langues, Série monographique en sciences humaines 20, sous la direction de Ali Reguigui, Julie Boissonneault et Mzago Dokhtorichvili, Human Sciences Monograph Series 20, Sudbery, Ontario, Canada, 2017, 255-266 ( in English )
- “Hegel’s Philosophie und der sovjetische Marxismus (Georgische Erfahrungen )” . In: Hegel-Jahrbuch. Hegel-Jahrbuch Volume 2015, Issue 1. Berlin/Boston, De Gruyter, 2016, 221-225 ( in German )
- Rezeptionen der Philosophie Hegels in Georgien seit dem 19. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart”. In: Jahrbuch für Hegelforschung N15-17, 2014, 137-158 ( in German )
Giorgi Kheoshvili
- Z. _ Freud and f . Rozanov of religion About / Philosophical Searches , V, 2001, p . 299-304.
- Freud and Rozanov of religion About / United Scientific Conference Materials , Tbilisi University Publishing House , Tbilisi , 2001, p . 83-88
- f . Rozanov , solitary / Afra , V, 1998, p . 74-83
- The problem of tolerance in the Russian religious philosophy of the XIX-XX centuries / Materials of the scientific conference “Pravoslav culture _ tradition and modernity”, Minsk, 2003, p . 72-74.
- of anti-Semitism problem in Russian religious In philosophy / Herald of Philosophy Series , ¹ 2, 2004, p . 106-119
- Nikolay Fyodorov ” General case Philosophy “/ philosophy , theology , culture . Anniversary collection dedicated to Guram To Tevzadze’s 75th birthday , ” Channel “, ” Nekeri “, 2007, p . 431-442
- Sergey Bulgakov’s Religious Anti-Semitism / Philosophy and Modernity . Mikheil For Makharadze’s 60th birthday dedicated to Anniversary Collection , ” Channel “, 2007, p . 252-262
- Friedrich Nietzsche Modern Georgian In philosophy / Nietzsche in Georgia Tamaz Buachidze in memory of dedicated to Collection , ” Channel “, 2007, p . 129-140
- Tengiz Iremadze : Friedrich Nietzsche, “Also sprach Zarathustra”. Text und Kontext / GEORGICA, 30, 2007, p . 139-141
- madness about the existing classic of discourse Analysis Michelle with Foucault / philosophy , dialectics , logic . Walk to Tsereteli dedicated to Anniversary Collection , ” Meridian “, 2008, p . 177-194
- Schalwa Nuzubidse, in: Philosophenlexikon, hrsg. von S. Jordan und B. Mojsisch, Philipp Reclam Verlag, Stuttgart 2009. p . 225-226
- Vasili Rozanov and Grigol Robakidze /Philosophy in global change is dedicated. Prof Burkhardt and I will scare your 65th birthday . _ Tbilisi , ” Nekeri ” publishing house , 2011, pp . 318-331
- Constantine Leontiev Philosophy ( exposition and critical analysis ) / new scientific – research projects In Philosophy , Tbilisi , 2010. pp . 36-38 .
- Rozanov and Robakidze / Parallel , ¹ 3, 2012. p . 195-205
- Socialist of the monarchy idea Constantine Leontiev in philosophy / cognition and Morality ( philosophical letters )
- dedicated to Larry Mchedlishvili is 75 years old Jubilee , / vol .,” Necker “, 2012, pp . 155-68
- XIX-XX centuries Russian religious of philosophy some of the idea reception Gregory Robakidze in creativity / humanitarian Sciences informative In society – II International conference Materials , Batumi , 2014, pp. 57-61.
- Constantine Kapanelli ( editor Last word )/ Constantine Capanelli , Renaissance in literature / essays European of literature From History / Tbilisi , Necker , 2014. p . 347-354.
- Vasili Rozanov and Gregory Robakidze / Tsiskar 1852, ¹ 2, 2015. p . 106-115 .
Luke Kuchukhidze
- Luke Kuchukhidze , Phantasms and Sensual Cognition Thomas of Aquinas In epistemology , summa theologicae According to T. _ Tsourashvili ( Ed .), ” Neoplatonism : Doctrine and his Reception “, Tbilisi 2020, Ilias State University , ISBN 978-9941-18-348-5
- Luke Kuchukhidze , nature bifurcation problem Alfred North Whitehead in philosophy . Primary and secondary properties doctrine change of mind Try , the third International Symposium young for scientists humanitarian In Sciences , Materials , Tbilisi , Tbilisi State University
- Luke Kukhukhidze , subjective from the effort of ‘ filling to the structure ‘ epiphanic motives Near Mamardashvili , Merab Mamardashvili For the 90th birthday dedicated to Collection , editor Tamar Tsopurashvili , Tbilisi , Ilias State University
Tamar Tsopurashvili
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- * L. _ Shorn – shuttle, let’s celebrate Reformation ? religion and politics 16th century _ In Europe – influence Until now , in the collection : Tamar Tsopurashvili ( editor )/Tamar Tsopurashvili (Hrsg.), religion and Freedom /Religion und Freiheit, conference Materials / Konferenzbeiträge, Tbilisi 2017 Ilias State University Publishing house , p . 38-49
- * Christian i . Maki , church reform 15th -16th centuries in Europe as in society tensions and of wars Provocative , in the collection : Tamar Tsopurashvili ( edit .)/Tamar Tsopurashvili (Hrsg.), religion and Freedom /Religion und Freiheit, conference Materials / Konferenzbeiträge, Tbilisi 2017 Ilias State University Publishing house , p . 60-81
- * Tasilo Schmitt , Roman order as _ danger , border and Sample for “Christian” , in collection : Tamar Tsopurashvili ( editor )/Tamar Tsopurashvili (Hrsg.), religion and Freedom /Religion und Freiheit, conference Materials / Konferenzbeiträge, Tbilisi 2017 Ilias State University Publishing house , p . 181-203
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- * Ursula Cray , Christian of the church role keep pluralistically Peace in society and freedom of the church From the point of view , in the collection : Tamar Tsopurashvili ( editor )/Tamar Tsopurashvili (Hrsg.), religion and Freedom /Religion und Freiheit, conference Materials / Konferenzbeiträge, Tbilisi , 2017, Ilias State University Publishing house , p . 324-346
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